Saturday, June 23, 2012

Random Facts (Such is Life)

~ A post full of links...

Fact one - My favorite kiss of all time took place near  the top of this peak. Here's a little video clip so you can get the full effect. He married me two months later.

Fact two - I'm currently broken hearted over the view from the covered porch of this house.  (Sigh.... note to self, buy lottery tickets.)

Fact three - This summer we will be introducing some friends to one of our favorite "happy places", Orcas Island.  We'll be hiking the Cascade Lake loop trail (with a stop for cliff jumping in the lake of course. Don't worry, we don't jump from anywhere near that high! We try to keep it in the 4-12 foot range). ❈

Fact four - We also plan on showing off Hurricane Ridge.

Fact five - I'm debating on doing another major refinishing project....  need to shop the basement for a good "subject". Not that I have anywhere to put said project, except the basement.  You see my problem....  and yet, I still have the urge to sand something..... 

Fact six - I am breathless in anticipation of our summer trip to Roche Harbor.  It will be a little strange to be there in a cottage, rather than on our boat (that we no longer have), but I'm just so happy to be going that I don't think I'll simmer on that for long at all!  Cannot wait to photograph the heck out of one of my favorite places on the planet. Seriously, my heart is simultaneously racing and stopping...  tick tock, tick tock....

Fact seven - And then there is the camping.  Two beach camping trips.  Yahoo! One at Kalaloch, and the other one at Fort Ebey State Park which we were introduced to last summer.  

Fact eight - This year we will be attending a large public fireworks display for the Fourth of July rather than risk our children's lives in the neighborhood like last year.  (Think fireworks gone bad and exploding under the chairs where the children were sitting. Little too on the edge for my taste, despite my penchant for a little adventure in life.)

Fact nine - The fort in our backyard had it's very first sleepover guests last night.  In the pouring rain. They were snuggly and warm.  Apparently it was "just like camping" only with less dirt. Love it!

Fact ten - When your husband offers to get the sleepover crew donuts - make sure he only buys a 1/2 dozen, just enough to cover the kids.  Otherwise you will accidentally eat one.... or three.  Very yummy going down, very "yech" after the fact. 


  1. Haha. Great writing.. Your summer plans are encouraging me to get great places scheduled to visit.....

    thanks for sharing. looking forward to seeing pictures.

  2. Considering how many "favorite places" we have in common - including Orcas Island, Hurricane Ridge, and Ft. Ebey (not to mention that we share a strong dislike for DIY fireworks) - I'm surprised that our family paths don't cross more often. We probably should do something about that.
